Very similar and even identical flags of different countries of the world, which are easy to confuse

Despite the presence of many diverse colors and geometric variations, some states on our planet have such similar flags that they are easily confused even by experts on geography. Often this similarity is due to a common historical past, although there are countries with very similar flags located in different corners of the Earth, which absolutely nothing connects with each other. Only a coat of arms on the country's flag helps to avoid complete confusion with some states. So, we offer a look at a selection of double flags.

Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia

Flag of Russia Flag of slovakia Slovenia flag

The same tricolor, familiar to everyone, is present on the flags of three countries at once: Russia, Slovakia and Slovenia. Red-white-blue tricolor unites several Slavic peoples of Europe and is historically present on state flags. In order to avoid confusion with the flag of Russia, Slovakia and Slovenia placed the national emblem on their flag. The flag of Serbia combines the same colors, but in a different order, though this option sometimes leads to confusion.

Serbia flag

Luxembourg, Netherlands and Croatia

Luxembourg flag Flag of the netherlands

The flag of Luxembourg, like two drops of water, is similar to the Dutch one, only the blue strip has a lighter shade. At the same time, the population of Luxembourg is in favor of changing the flag to another in order to differ from its neighbors. And from the second half of the 19th century until 1918, Croatia had the same flag, which today is distinguished by the presence of the coat of arms of the republic.

Flag of croatia

Chad and Romania, Moldova and Andorra

Flag of the Republic of Chad and Romania

Another pair of twins that have nothing in common with each other except the flag, which is a blue-yellow-red tricolor, is Chad and Romania. It is believed that the flag of Chad has a darker blue color, but in many print media such color nuances are not visible, and the flags seem identical. This flag symbolizes both the colonial past ruled by France and the pan-African colors borrowed from the flag of Ethiopia and symbolizing the struggle of African peoples for independence. The flags of Moldova and Andorra also have a similar arrangement of colored stripes, but differ in the presence of state emblems.

Flag of Moldova Flag of andorra

Jordan and Palestine

Flag of jordan Flag of palestine

Almost identical flags, differing only in the presence of a star in the Jordanian version. Similar colors are present on many other flags of the countries of the Middle East and refer us to the events of the First World War, when a rebellion broke out under a similar flag in Arab countries against the citizenship of the Ottoman Empire. And green, white, black and red colors symbolize the colors of the main Muslim Arab dynasties, which historically ruled in northern Africa and the Middle East.

Syria and Iraq

Syria flag Flag of iraq

The flags of these two countries also contain the above colors, but differ in the presence of symbols and inscriptions on the central white stripe. Two stars on the Syrian flag have remained since the short-lived United Arab Republic, which included Syria and Egypt. But the flag of Iraq has undergone a number of changes over the past 30 years and since 2000 there is an inscription on the white strip that means "Allah is great!"

Mali and the Republic of Guinea

Flag of mali Flag of the Republic of Guinea

On the flags of these states there are red, yellow and green colors characteristic of some African countries. The main thing is not to get confused in the arrangement of the stripes, and then you can easily distinguish the flag of Mali from the flag of the neighboring Republic of Guinea.

India and Niger

Flag of india Flag of the Republic of Niger

Flags of Niger and India that are far apart are very similar, but the colors in each country are interpreted differently. Indian orange symbolizes spirituality, while on the Niger flag it is associated with the sands of the Sahara. In the center of the Indian flag is a round sign - one of the symbols of Buddhism, but the white strip on the Niger flag is decorated with a symbol of the sun.

Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and Argentina

Flag of el salvador Flag of nicaragua Honduras flag

America also has plenty of examples of countries with similar flags. These four countries have almost the same flags, distinguished by the presence of symbols on the white central stripe and the nuances of blue and blue colors. El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras inherited such a flag from a state called the Federal Republic of Central America, which united several modern independent states, but did not last long. The stripes and colors of this flag symbolized a narrow stretch of land between two oceans: the Pacific and the Atlantic. But with the flag of Argentina, a completely different story - the blue-white stripes have several interpretations. A number of historians believe that they symbolize the sky and clouds, while others believe that these are the colors of the robes of the Virgin Mary, thus attributing the religious meaning to the flag.

Flag of argentina

Venezuela and Ecuador

Flag of venezuela Flag of ecuador

These countries are also united by a common historical past, which is why they have such similar yellow-blue-red flags. Such a flag was adopted during the existence of Greater Colombia - the state of the early 19th century, the time of revolutions and the struggle for the independence of the colonies. Both countries were part of it and inherited the colors of the flag.

Australia, New Zealand and Tuvalu

Flag of australia Flag of new zealand

The flags of these countries can hardly be distinguished even by a lover of astronomy and constellations, because they differ only in the presence of various combinations of stars. The flag is based on the maritime flag of Great Britain - the former metropolis and the modern state that is at the head of the union uniting the former colonies. The New Zealand flag depicts the constellation Southern Cross, as, indeed, in the Australian one. The only difference is that in the Australian version, the constellation is represented by five stars, and also supplemented by a star under the British flag. Everything is a little simpler with Tuvalu, since here stars do not mean stars, as such, but symbolize 9 coral islands, on which, in fact, the state is located.

Tuvalu flag

Monaco and Indonesia

Flag of Indonesia and Monaco

Perhaps the most interesting example of the same flags in our collection, since it was Monaco who decided to challenge the twin's right to own the flag. After gaining independence, Indonesia took on a white-red flag, the colors of which corresponded to the ancient state that existed in the vastness of this country. Monaco tried to prevent this fact by filing relevant documents with international authorities. But the attempt of the principality was unsuccessful, since the Indonesian flag was recognized more ancient, and the countries remained the owners of the same flags.

Watch the video: United Kingdom, Great Britain, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales. . CONFUSED??? (May 2024).

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