Kuker - the most unbanal New Year's ritual in Bulgaria

Holiday Cooker in Bulgaria is very widespread. Yes, this is not surprising, because he is very funny and interesting. Celebrate it in the winter, between Christmas, December 25, and Epiphany, or before the Great Lent in February. At this time, the Bulgarians turn into the most real pagans. They put on ritual masks, huge caps and animal skins turned inside out, and sonorous bells are hung on their belts. Thus, these people turn into cookie makers. In other words, the mummers, who are called to expel all bad from human homes.

It is worth noting that the bells of the cookers can be of various sizes. The largest reached 70 kilograms! To the cheerful bell ringing, the mummers begin to dance, thereby blessing the marriage between mother Earth and Heaven and asking for a rich harvest.

In Bulgaria, large folklore festivals of cookers are held, wishing to take part in which they come from all over the country. Cookers take their outfits very seriously and begin to prepare them in advance. This is an overhead thing, because only one set of 20 bells will cost about 1000 euros.

But the atmosphere at the holidays is always the most sincere and happy, there are no social strata, gender or cultural differences, all masked are equal. Perhaps, precisely because of its extraordinary simplicity and cheerfulness, this festive ritual was able to reach from the depths of centuries to the present day, no matter what. We assure you, as soon as you hear the cheerful sound of the bells, no problems or constraints can stop you and you and everyone will dance!

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