One year old baby travels the world from birth

Before she and her partner Sean Bayes had a charming baby named Esme, Karen Edwards worked as a nurse. The young couple had been fond of tourism before, therefore, with the birth of a daughter, the newly-made parents decided not to give up their hobby, but to travel three together. At first, everyone considered them to be real madmen, but Karen and Sean did not listen to anyone and continued to pack their suitcases for their first trip together with a 10-week-old child. New, unprecedented horizons awaited them: New Zealand, Asia, Australia. Now 31-year-old Karen, talking about her adventures, notes that she can not even imagine that her maternity leave would have gone any other way.

According to travel parents, you need to include your baby in your lifestyle. At the same time, you should not be afraid that you will not be able to do what you want. Do you like diving? Not a problem, just dive under the water in turn.

So, the lovers gave their baby the necessary vaccinations and went on a joint trip, despite the fact that everyone around them considered them crazy.

Sean quit his job, sold a car, rented a house, took a backpack, a family and went with them to the airport.

They lived in Asia, Australia and New Zealand for more than 10 months, having only a backpack from their luggage.

All this time, Karen was breastfeeding little Esme.

A newborn traveler was born in London, her mother is in Ireland, and her father is from New Zealand.

Most people believe that having a baby ruins every opportunity to travel, but that’s not at all the case, Karen said.

The couple would very much like to inspire with their experience all parents who love to travel, but deny themselves this with the advent of the baby.

At the same time, a trio of daredevils has already managed to go on another trip, having spent 3 weeks in Bangkok.

And this is not their last adventure.


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