27 heartbreaking shots from Africa's largest camel market

This place, located in Egypt, is simply impossible to ignore. If only because it is the largest camel market in Egypt and one of the largest on the entire African continent!

It is located in Burkash, 40 km from Cairo.

Every year, to get here, camels have to overcome the so-called Forty-day journey, which begins in Sudan, passes through Somalia, Eritrea and Southern Egypt and ends here in Burkash.

Camel caravans travel more than 700 miles, spending about 2 months on the road.

When animals get to their destination, most of them have a terrifying look and feel due to difficult living conditions on a long journey. They are exhausted and look heartbreaking. But, despite this, camels still do not abandon attempts to escape and save their lives. Therefore, the packers hinder them and tie up one paw to immobilize.

Most of the camels sold in this market will go to meat. Although some still go to agricultural land or will be employed in the tourist industry. Local chefs say that camel meat is excellent, and its use is safe.

Seeing how animals are treated here is absolutely unbearable. They are beaten with sticks on the hind legs, and especially rebellious - in the eyes. Camels are quite stubborn animals, so loading them into a car turns into a real battle and torture.

The price range is impressive: for a good race camel they will ask for several thousand dollars, and a small animal, which they plan to put up for meat, will cost about $ 200.

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