The amazing Meenakshi Temple, built from thousands of figurines!

India has always been distinguished by its stunning architecture, especially temple buildings. One of these amazing temples, of course, is the Meenakshi Temple, located in the center of the ancient city of Madurai and dedicated to the goddess Parvati, also known as Meenakshi, and her husband, the god Shiva. The uniqueness of the temple lies in the fact that its walls are created from countless colorful sculptures of Hindu gods, heroes, apsars and rakshasas.

The temple complex is very impressive and large, all the holidays are held here. It is decorated with 14 gopuras - towers up to 50 m high. The tallest (51.8 m) is the south tower, built in 1559. And the oldest tower - the eastern one - appeared in 1216.

All its walls consist of a huge number of stone sculptures of animals, gods and demons of the Hindu religion. And this is not just so: such abundance and diversity symbolizes the wealth, grandeur and generosity of the ancient religion and culture of India.

All figures were carved from stone and painted by hand for many hundreds of years.

Meenakshi Towers are the tallest buildings in the city, they can be seen above all the roofs. At night they are lit by bright lights.

Among the countless statues, it is easy for a person to get lost.

Inside the temple is no less impressive. Pictured is the Hall of a Thousand Pillars.

But what you see, if you look up.

Yes, this is India, so an elephant is always ready to say hello to you.

The temple has a patio with a pool where you can relax. According to legend, in the pool any writer can check how good a book he has obtained, you just have to lower the pages of the manuscript into the water. If they remain on the surface - the creation can be considered almost a masterpiece, if they go to the bottom - it is better to work on it yet.

Watch the video: Madurai Thousand Pillar Hall Meenakshi Temple Ancient Stone Sculpture,India HD (September 2024).

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