South African flowers frozen in exquisite compositions

A South African phototandem, Bruce Boyd and Tarien Smith spent about two years shooting incredible beauty. In their lenses were compositions of bright colors, frozen in blocks of ice. These magnificent, erratic creations were filmed under water, where the ice was gradually covered with cracks, giving flower arrangements another dimension.

Flowers for this exciting project were selected from the gardens and natural parks of Cape Town. Before shooting, they were placed in plastic containers and frozen for three days. At dawn on the day of the shooting, Boyd and Smith transported blocks of ice to ponds or water tanks to create their own magical photographs. Talking about the shooting process, photographers admitted that only a few of the frozen compositions turned out flawless, the way they wanted to see them. Many of the blanks were spoiled by bubbles formed in the water that obscured the flowers. In other compositions, the flowers changed the initial position in which Boyd and Smith placed them. But, in spite of everything, the series of shots turned out amazingly beautiful and inspiring. She presents magnificent flowers blooming in different seasons in the territory of South Africa.

Watch the video: EAPS 4th Annual William F Brace Lecture 2018 (May 2024).

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