Beautiful Indian people: 30 soulful portraits from a Polish photographer

Getting to know people from different walks of life and understanding how we are all different and at the same time the same - that is what really broadens our horizons. Alas, most of us cannot visit all corners of the globe, see and learn everything in the world. However, the fact that we cannot shake hands with a person from a remote country does not mean at all that we cannot get to know him, even if only a little. This is proved by photographer Magdalena Bagryanov.

Magdalena, a Polish photographer currently living in the UK, came to India to meet and introduce you to the people of this beautiful, colorful country. She decided to do this, of course, with the help of photography. The portraits made by Bagryanov turned out to be so powerful that it seems that you can feel the emotions that the shooting heroes experienced at that moment. The everyday environment in which the photographs were taken only enhances the feeling of sincerity.

Despite the fact that the population of India has been steadily declining since the beginning of the 1990s, the country still ranks second in terms of population. The 1.3 billion people who live here make up about 17.5% of the world's total population.

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