Chalk to be sprayed over the USA to save from global warming

What scientists do not offer in order to reduce the greenhouse effect and slow down the process of increasing air temperature on the planet. Since some countries, including the USA and Canada, do not agree to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and comply with quotas for their production, scientists have to look for an alternative. And if it is impossible to slow down the flow of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, then scientists decided to try to reduce the flow of solar heat to the Earth's surface.

In history, there are many examples where prolonged eruptions of large volcanoes changed the climate of the entire planet. The huge amount of ash and gases released into the atmosphere prevented the entry of sunlight to the surface and provoked a cooling by several degrees, which was noticeable on a global scale. These examples were inspired by scientists from Harvard University, who proposed an original way to combat rising air temperatures: to reduce the flow of sunlight to the Earth's surface by spraying chalk particles.

Scientists plan to launch a guided probe that sprays tiny particles of calcium carbonate at an altitude of 20 kilometers. The experiment will take place over the United States, in the south-west of the country. After spraying, scientists will observe how a dusty curtain of particles of chalk will affect the flow of sunlight to the surface and how it will affect air temperature.

The British newspaper The Daily Mail reports that the experiment will cost scientists $ 3 million, and part of these costs will be borne by Microsoft's Bill Gates company.

But not everything is so rosy: the idea of ​​spraying chalk particles has its opponents. According to some experts, an experiment on the dispersion of chalk particles can cause changes in the formation of precipitation, drought, and even disrupt the ozone layer. Whether it is this or not, the world will find out in the next six months, since they plan to conduct the experiment until July 2019. In addition, experts note that it is much more effective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions than to try to "obscure" the planet from the Sun. And it is the United States, which is the second-largest producer of these gases in the world, that has not yet ratified the Kyoto Protocol regulating the allowable amount of emissions and, apparently, does not intend to do this. But the problem, of course, is not only in the United States. Many countries, especially those with rapidly growing economies, hide the true scale of gas emissions into the atmosphere, underestimating the figures in the reports.

Watch the video: Climate Change Is Just ANOTHER Way the Left Exploits Americas Youth I Wilkow (May 2024).

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