Italian photographer showed how our future will be in stunning pictures

Alberto Giuliani is an Italian photojournalist who publishes his work in many prestigious international publications. To create a unique and amazing project "Surviving Humanity" he was pushed by his little son, who wanted to know from the pope what the world would be like when he became an adult. Giuliani did not know what to answer to the baby, and he himself thought about this essentially childish question. Thus began his fascinating, sometimes frightening and mysterious journey through the future, which is already knocking on the doors of modernity.

Thanks to his profession, fame and status, the Italian managed to visit some unusual places, completely inaccessible to ordinary mortals. Among them are American cryocenters, genome research institutes in China, as well as the NASA Hi-Seas IV project on modeling life on Mars.

The last of the mentioned locations is truly incredible. This is a special Martian model created for the "rehearsals" of life on Mars, located on top of one of the Hawaiian volcanoes. For a year, young NASA employees live here in conditions close to those in which they fall when they travel to the Red Planet.

Scientists unanimously call robots one of the participants in the future with whom we will have to share life. Enormous successes have already been achieved in this area, and in some places robots are beginning to replace people in their workplaces. Giuliani visited Osaka University, where he met Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, who is called the father of humanoid robots.

Photographs of these and other places where the human future is already happening is a curious Italian photographic project. After reviewing them, you begin to understand at least a little what awaits us and especially our children. What will be the "normal", "normal" world for our grandchildren. This is an amazing opportunity to open the mysterious curtain and enrich your imagination.

A clone of a newborn shepherd puppy that will become a U.S. Navy service dog.

Simulations of the exit to the surface of Mars as part of the NASA Hi-Seas IV project.

Hiroshi Ishiguro, the father of humanoid robots, and his creation, Geminoid. Ishiguro uses the humanoid to lecture to students when he is away.

The Eden Project in Great Britain is old mines converted into special biospheres, a separate world that does not touch ours, in which a huge tropical forest grows and lives.

The telenoid robot in the Tokyo Museum is able to reproduce the emotions of a child. It took years of complex research on empathy to create it.

German Kai Schwaltenberg is a marine geologist and biologist who studies the problem of climate change. Once upon a time, the sea surrounding it in the photograph was covered with ice.

Henn-na in Fukuoka is the first hotel in history to be completely controlled by humanoid robots. If you go here, you will be greeted by a cute female robot and two dinosaur robots.

Michigan Cryonics Institute. The world's oldest center for cryopreservation of people. Portraits of the Institute’s “patients” are hung everywhere.


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